Excellent article, Deacon. I haven't read many books about praying, but the best that I have read is Prayer for Beginners by Peter Kreeft. It's short and accessible, as it should be, but also insightful. I heartily recommend it.
Thanks, Christopher. I haven’t read that one, but long ago I did read Kreeft’s Prayer: The Great Conversation, a sequel to his Yes or No? Straight Answers to Tough Questions About Christianity. I imagine a lot of the content is the same. These days, writers I find helpful on the subject of prayer include Henri Nouwen, Merton, Ratzinger, and von Balthasar.
Excellent article, Deacon. I haven't read many books about praying, but the best that I have read is Prayer for Beginners by Peter Kreeft. It's short and accessible, as it should be, but also insightful. I heartily recommend it.
Thanks, Christopher. I haven’t read that one, but long ago I did read Kreeft’s Prayer: The Great Conversation, a sequel to his Yes or No? Straight Answers to Tough Questions About Christianity. I imagine a lot of the content is the same. These days, writers I find helpful on the subject of prayer include Henri Nouwen, Merton, Ratzinger, and von Balthasar.