Alan Rickman had a reason

Alan Rickman top floor did go

Alan Rickman it’s the season

Alan Rickman. Ho. Ho. Ho.

Alan Rickman not a phony

Alan Rickman sat on a wall

Alan Rickman Nakatomi

Alan Rickman had a great fall

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Ever since I watched the original Road House earlier this year, I’ve had the MST3K Patrick Swayze Christmas Song stuck in my head (“Let’s have a Patrick Swayze Christmas this year / Or we’ll tear your throat out and kick you in the ear!”), which is the exact kind of trashy exuberance about an exuberantly trashy movie that I like. The DIY feel of MST3K makes it feel of a piece with the kinds of ephemera you’re talking about.

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Is this anything:

Alan Rickman he plays the Metatron

Alan Rickman sees McClane, no shoes on

Alan Rickman loves the glamour

Alan Rickman "By Grabthar's Hammer"

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